Thursday, April 23, 2009


So I've decided to tackle the world of blogging. This will be more or less to track my own fitness and nutrition regimen and share my personal experiences with anyone and everyone who is interested. This will also include anything related to fitness and health and anything on life in general that I find interesting along the way in the matter of research, workouts, diets, cool facts and all the sorts. What spurred this on was a couple other people that I know that have started blogs of their own, whether it be just interests and random things on there, to others that have set out on this path of fitness, nutrition and health, as well and that had originally motivated me to get my fat ass in the gym and work on getting back into shape and living a healthier life. So I need not say more but hope you enjoy the posts, following along on my journey with me, and maybe even something on here somewhere along the lines will motivate or inspire you in a way that will be of benefit to you. To happiness and health. Enjoy.

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